Mothusi Primary school is a government school set in the heart of Mangaung, in Free State. It is a co-educational institution, with 155 pupils. We have a committed staff with a good balance of age and experience. Our aim is to make our school a place where all people feel welcome and valued a place of security and love.
Our unique situation allows us to incorporate hands-on environmental learning into the education programme, broadening the horizons of each child in our care.Mothusi Primary School is a co-educational primary school offering small classes from Grade 1 to Grade 7. Our dedicated staff ensures the best possible outcome for each child. Pupils at Mothusi Primary are given many opportunities as well as top-class education. They can enjoy a variety of sporting and cultural activities.
We aim to provide an excellent education in a caring environment, producing a whole person, self-reliant and aware of their obligation to their community, their country and their planet.
Mothusi Primary school is committed to:
Developing environmental awareness and sustainable living practices